“Make a Change” ~Myself

Not changing is changing…and it’s usually from bad to worse if you don’t take control of the old you…

Through the Martin Method I can show you how to overcome any old stuck mind beliefs!

The Martin Method


Terry empowers virtually any man or woman on this planet to be able to get up again…anyone who has had trauma, self doubt, insecurities that keep them from moving forward…to discover that they are worthy and valuable and that they have a sense of significance and contribution.

How to move forward in unsure steps

Have we ever truly known what tomorrow will bring? Of course not so we must be ready…

Do you really want to go back own time?

You actually do everyday and sometimes to the same old memories that keep you stuck…

Let’s get strong again?

Have you noticed that your very own energy is silently slipping away?

You Can!

Doesn’t music even make you drift back to a time you want to relieve?

Dr. Raymond Francis knew…

Simple common sense friends…life can be easier but we must be aware!

We need to pay more attention

We must start looking around at our everyday life…is it time to make some changes?

Make A Change Myself
Facebook Group

Follow your soul and spirit; your heart’s desire is where your treasure is, not in yesterdays negative thoughts that have been carried in your mind for years…

Terry Martin

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  • CHAPTER 3 (Excerpt from “Moving Forward in Unsure Steps)

    This ride might get a little bumpy…

    So, what good did that first exercise do? To start with, you had to slow down and take time to just think. Probably if you are like most of us you really don’t take much time or enough time to listen to your soul. Our souls most certainly do talk to us. You may not have thought of it that way but how many times did you really know the answer because it just felt right when you had to make a decision? Where did that thought come from? None other than you! People sometimes say, “I never hear my soul talking to me!” Well, if you think that at all, let’s start the stroll down that memory lane. Here are just a few examples; you are feasting on that holiday meal, and you know it is time to push the plate away, but you don’t and then you feel sick. That was a warning that was not heeded so instead you vowed not to do that again because you were in bloated misery…yes, your body tried to tell you. LOL How about driving a car and something told you not to go a certain way, or not to get on that airplane only to find out if you had gone ahead, you very well may have been in an accident.
    The list really goes on and on every day continuously, and sometimes our bodies tell us through alerts of some type, like headaches or little health issues that it is time to stop a bad habit, rather its smoking, drinking, drugs or anything that we know will be detrimental to our very own being…but we don’t stop, we let that habit keep overtaking us until the realization of our wonderful bodies say, you didn’t listen to me while I was giving you warnings so the warnings are going to have to be stronger to get your attention. Then it comes time to pay the price for not listening to ourselves and also its way to late to fix it in a simple way. So, do you really think anyone can say they never hear from their soul? My friend, that little chatter that you hear in your head is your soul!

    Everything I speak of is from my own experiences of not listening to my soul. I have lived my mistakes and now have a strong desire to help you because of what I learned from my poor choices or my good choices. God did build in a safety net for all of us, but we are human and so many times we just push ourselves a little to far. We kept the cycle of stress and discomfort from reaching to the point we barely hear it at all anymore. Instead, we keep putting our needs off for just a little bit longer until we snap in someway and its usually not in a good way.

    Why should you be ready now to fasten your seat belts? Hang on for a crazy ride! Because now is the time to write in the next few pages stories about your life where you know you pushed yourself way beyond your limits.
    This is a time to be totally honest with yourself as you write down situations from your past that you know your soul or your body was trying to warn you not to do but you didn’t take the right road or maybe you did, and if so by jogging your memory it is very important to take time to think about those examples in your life.

    This is urgent for you to get involved in every exercise to figure out your purpose. No, it isn’t easy, but YOU are worth it. If you feel like you’re lost and just missing a piece of the puzzle, I truly feel we will find that missing piece by time you finish this workbook! However, it won’t happen if you skimp on writing the answers along the way. You know why? We cannot carry everything in our heads, we will forget some things or leave out some really important points that are crucial to finding your purpose! Writing allows us to look back and many times when we do it reminds us of another time to write about.

    Hold on to your seatbelts means you are going for a ride from your past and no matter what your age is, every year you have memories of your life that you may have forgotten. One good thing to do while going through the chapters is, whenever a memory comes to your mind make sure you go back and write it in that section. It doesn’t matter if the memories go from 20 years ago or when you were 5 or if it was something that just happened yesterday. Every thought is valuable.

    This is your old movie that you did play a part in! In fact, you are the main character, you are the star! How is this movie going to be in the next season or show? Try not to write about other people’s roles in it because you cannot control their parts or lines in the play. Most of all you cannot control their lives either! This is your show! Remember you are the STAR! Every day you take a new road in every direction. How awesome is that? You can make your own movie rather you want to or not, you are! This is your life and no matter what has happened to you because of other people or life situations, bottom line it is all about you at this point. When you are comfortable with your reason for living, meaning your purpose in life you can then start to add other people into your movie but for right now this is a bio of your past life and from that we are only going to extract the wisdom that you have learned to now move forward. After all, every day we are “Moving in Unsure Steps” because we are not promised anything! Therefor, we need to enjoy TODAY, EVERYDAY!

    Time to write life’s old show and see how your movie needs to play out!
    See you in Chapter 4!

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